Monday, January 28, 2008

Snubbed . . . again.

I've been in communication with a BigLaw firm (hereinafter "BigLaw") since early in the fall. My contact had been someone from my very small hometown who wound up a BigLaw partner in the state where everything is bigger. BigLaw wanted to see my grades from fall semester before I got a flyback interview. Well, my grades, of course, were again at the top of the class and they scheduled a fly back. I get a letter over the weekend saying that they have filled all of their summer associate positions for the summer. A lot of cursing and angry thoughts ensued. Accordevery other interview in my law school career.

Today was your average day from hell. Prof. ConLaw decided to go very fast and I have to have a brief in tomorrow (a few days early), of course I haven't even started. My moot court brief is due to my partner a week from today. The prof. I research for has been stopping me in the hall "to see how it's going" (i.e., hurry up with my research). I haven't started editing the treatise for my employer from last summer that is due in 3 weeks. Law review hands out another citecheck. Then law review decides to throw in another assignment that wasn't on the schedule.

I get home about to binge on some Cherry Garcia and then I check my email for the 53d time today. BigLaw from SmallHometown sent me an email saying that she had lunch today with a friend, mentioned me, and friend said that I should "definitely" send my resume to her. I looked her up and she (hereinafter "BiggerLaw") turns out to work at a Bigger BigLaw law firm. Turns out BiggerLaw is the hiring partner. Is there redemption afterall, is this my Damascus Road experience?

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