Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My New Favorite Blog

Although this blog is not serious, it is hilarious!

Check out:

Standing Still at Concerts


Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops

Knowing What's Best for Poor People

But perhaps the one main reason why white people love lawyers is the sense that they are giving back to the community. Most white people major in the arts, and law school is pretty much the only option for anyone with a BA that wants a decent paying job. Basically this love of the law is keeping the demand for lawyers much higher than it should be. So paying lawyer fees to settle the smallest problem, is the white person equivalent of Warrick Dunn building homes for low income families.

MY FAVORITE Arts Degrees
These degrees enable white people to spend four yeas of their lives reading books, writing papers and feeling great about themselves. It is a known fact that Arts students firmly believe that they are doing you/society a favor by not getting a job and reading Proust. They use this to protest for reduced tuition, more money for the arts, and special reduced student rates on things like bus passes.

But what about the white people who study Science, Engineering or Business? Unless they become doctors, they essentially lose white person status (and can only be regained by working at a non-profit).

So why would white people spend all that time studying and working to get into college if they are just going to read books that they might have read in their free time? Because white people have it made. They can take that degree and easily parlay it into a non profit job, an art gallery job, or work in publishing. If the pay is low, no problem, their parents will happily help out with rent until they magically start making six figures or non-magically turn 40.

White people can also take that degree and go to graduate school (future post) and eventually become a professor or adjunct professor where they will still require parental support.

If they are REALLY ambitious and need to make money, they can take that degree and go to Law School.


Ace Ventura said...

Seriously, where did you find this? It's great.

Doc In the Kitchen said...


Junius said...

The blog isn't actually serious; it's satire, along the lines of Stephen Colbert.

Phaedrus said...

guess i should learn to proof read. thanks for pointing out my omission, it has been corrected.

Doc In the Kitchen said...


Yea...we got one too!