Tuesday, June 10, 2008


6 weeks after taking a scantron/essay exam I still don't have my grades. I do, however, have grades for my seminar and a full essay exam. Makes no sense to me. I compulsively check the grade site every hour or so while I'm at work. I wonder how much productivity firms lose because of their interns checking grades. I'm guessing at least 10%. Anyone have estimates?


Guy Fawkes said...

You stole the idea for this post from another blogger!

mootgoescow said...

Shut up. You told me to post this...why do you think the post clearly lacks effort?

Butterflyfish said...
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Butterflyfish said...

5%. One time an hour, 3 minutes each time (log in, swearing, etc.) and 3 minutes is half of a billable increment.
That's lost time.

Last grade came today. Now I'll be obsessively checking for my rank.

timbo said...

I'll check your grades every hour for you during your work day for $20 a day. Once you get them and don't like them, I'll "convince" your prof to reconsider for another $50. good deal, no?

mootgoescow said...

That'd be an amazing deal if you're "convincing" is effective.