A blog for all things law-related, particularly discussing how much law school, job searching in the legal market, and the legal field in general all suck.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Something In Law School Turned Out OK...No, Really
Apparently Phaedrus and I submitted papers/Bluebook exams that at least made the top 60%-ish of the law review write-on competition (read: we made law review). We're excited for now, but we'll probably be even more bitter than usual when submission deadlines are approaching.
Woo hoo! Make room for El Guapo too!
Congrats Guys!!
[prepare to make sweet love to your Bluebook all year long as you become cite-checking bitches... mwuahahaha]
higher than that I thought it must have been above the average of those UA students who are accepted to the ALR.
Congrats. Space Space.
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