Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rebuttal: It's Not My Ass that Needs to Be Moving

My dear friend, Fawkes, brought up a good point. Grades aren't everything. He is right. This is why the law school publishes a photo-directory that is disseminated to potential employers: If you don't have good grades, just be a hot girl and you are fine.

This theory is particularly strong for 1L OCIs. Think about it, as a first-year, you may have a Lexis or Westlaw "certification" that you received for going to some pizza lunch, but other than that, you probably don't know how to research anything other than a case. In fact, you probably omit the space between "So." and "2d," among other grievous errors. It comes down to this: the quality in actual know how (not taking into account potential and ability to develop) of a 1L is the same, almost, from #1 to bottom of the class. So if you are getting the same amount of competence from a first-year, why not hire a hot female 1L? I would! Employers my first year overlooked me for hot low-ranked females.

Now, if you're not a female and you have low grades... you should probably look for what your Career Service Office calls "Alternative Legal Jobs." This includes anything from being an insurance adjuster to a congressional staffer with a redundant five-word job title to describe opening and stuffing envelopes.

Trust me, if there's some ass that needs to be moving, I'm going to be the moving it.


Phaedrus said...

(Sexism intended for whatever purpose you see fit)

kaytie said...

I would be fascinated to know what "hot girls" with lower ranks were given jobs over you. Fascinated. Because I highly suspect that (1) those women still had high grades, regardless whether your rank was marginally higher, and (2) those women probably interviewed very well.

Look, a certain hot girl got a lot more job offers than I did first year and I was first in the class, for crying out loud, but I didn't chalk it up to her hotness. She's just really good at networking, writing thank-you notes, and interviewing. Grades really aren't everything.

Phaedrus said...

It's all tongue in cheek of course...

Justice Moustache said...

Wait, I thought there was no space between So. and 2d... Fuck.